Zone 10 Promotion

Promotion at TCC Exposition Event, 26-Nov-22

President Jennifer Jones who was in Manila has honored us with her visit and endorsement at the Melbourne RI Convention booth we arranged during the RCC Exposition Event on November 26, 2022. It was a well attended full day event with more than 600 participants.

The booth was available for the Rotarians and guests to visit as we to promote the convention with huge banners, flyers, onsite help desk, visa information, giveaways (mugs with the Melbourne promotion logo).

See photos of President Jennifer Jones and Rotarians participating in the promotion.

Rachel Ocampo

Booth visit with Spouse Nick Krayacich

Flyers and giveaways

President Jennifer Joles with Rachel and Prid Guiller


Promotional items

The promotion team

Promotion team club

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