Authorized people can get the district registration lists using the link below. The list will only contain the names of the registrants who authorized the release of their name and contact information when they registered, and will be sent by email in XLSX format (Excel).
The list can be requested by the District Governor, and the Melbourne District Promotion Chair for the corresponding districts.
Members of the Melbourne Promotion Committee can also request the lists for the districts they are in charge of.
Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar Bulletin Here is an example of how Suresh Hari used the convention assets to advertise the convention in his home club magazine.
Zone 22 Promotion PowerPoint Presentation Created by Ming Chen to present at club visits and Rotary meetings. The pictures from him were at Saturday 6 August 2022 – Training Session: Membership / Public Image / Foundation. Presentation of Rotary Melbourne Convention 2023: slightly over 100 attendees in presence of District Governor Yves Grondin, PDG Mamed Baboo, PDG Manoj Vaghjee and other District Officers.
Canva Presentation for the Zone 33-34 Institute The Canvas presentation was their slide deck from that event at which they had really good traffic in the House of Friendship and handed out lots of info sheets and promo postcards. President Jen attended.
President Jennifer Jones who was in Manila has honored us with her visit and endorsement at the Melbourne RI Convention booth we arranged during the RCC Exposition Event on November 26, 2022. It was a well attended full day event with more than 600 participants. [More...]
Everyone was excited to promote the Rotary International Convention at Lone Star PETS held in Dallas - Ft. Worth, Texas at the end of February. "Jenny" the Koala was the hit of the event with everyone wanting to have her in their pic. Attendees included RID Vicki Puliz, PRID Don Mebus, PRID Mary Beth Crowney Selene PRID Suzi Howe, and about 500 future leaders of Districts 5730, 5770, 5790, 5810, 5830, 5840, 5870, 5890, 5910, 5930.